Sunday 16 August 2015


My wife decided to take our 5 month old son on a weekend roadtrip to visit friends, so that left me with LOADS of Jeep and garage time.

Most of it was spent puttering in the garage and cleaning it up, organizing, finalizing some projects and just generally not being in front of a screen. What I did tackle on the Jeep was just a couple small items. Firstly, and no pictures, 'cause really... I put the back seat back in. Figured it was time to haul out the toolbox and put the seat in so that we can do family cruises to Dairy Queen in the Jeep.

Secondly, I finally got my TMR Customs fire extinguisher mount, uh, mounted, complete with refillable marine grade extinguisher. I'm not sold on the location, but it's easy to access.

Lastly, thanks to David from the Redneck Garage, I drilled some holes in my frame to the rear of the front control arm brackets, and about centre with the body mounts to let water out. After seeing the pooling water in his video, I decided to make sure I was safe.

Otherwise, I got my tools stored securely, I've started plan on a behind the seat toolbox, and I fixed the light on my bench grinder.

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